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Vidon Group: Presentation

Because each of you are pioneers... Our expertise is at the forefront of the intellectual property field

Founded in 1988, the VIDON Group has always sought to make the difference by cultivating a cross-cutting, strategic approach to intellectual property consulting.

This distinctive feature is largely due to the atypical background and multidisciplinary leaning of its founder, Patrice VIDON, at the crossroads of the technical sector, law, strategy, economics and marketing.

Since its beginning, the VIDON Group has successfully pursued a controlled growth strategy, built on the originality and variety of its tailored services and the loyalty of its staff and clients.

The VIDON Group has also earned a reputation for being a "pro-active" player in the regional, French and international Industrial Property context, notably by being the first French IP firm to set up in China.

The group has recently given a new impetus to its development and diversified its expertise by acquiring the Paris-based firm Atout PI Laplace (formerly known as Marks & Clerk France).

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