

No matter what the circumstances (contract negotiations, release of a trademark, defense, etc.) a well-informed stakeholder is a better stakeholder.

Over the years, the ViDON Group’s employees have developed a network of private detectives and investigators, in France and abroad, who are specialized in the business field.

This network’s quality and methods of intervention are crucial:
the information thus gathered is sensitive by its very nature, and the context usually is as well (the “target” must not be forewarned). The detectives should also be authorized when intervention reports have to be presented before the courts.

The same holds true for polls: they are set up carefully and the polling organization used must be “irreproachable”.

These investigations/polls are systematically part of a particular context and meet a specific need that is strictly predefined, notably:

  • bringing an action against a third party (action for forfeiture of trademark for lack of use, for example);
  • pre-establishing and searching for information before carrying out seizure for counterfeiting;
  • negotiating a transfer, IP licensing;
  • defending one’s IP rights (providing proof of reputation;
  • monitoring a competitor’s activities in order to better target a new strategy for communication, operations, location, etc.;
  • assess the company’s trademark image in order to measure its positioning;
  • etc.

The ViDON Group has set up a team of experienced investigators/pollsters to develop several levels of surveys enabling them to provide an offer adapted to their customers’ needs.