Both our Thai Office – in the presence of its Partner Chalinee Sriprasart (also Head of the Trademarks Department), Saweeya C Benhar, Responsible for the Patents Department, and Noemie Sancelme, Consultant and Foreign Relations Officer, who all practice in Bangkok – and European Office, in the presence of Soazig Themoin, Partner and Head of the Legal Department in France, had the pleasure to attend this long-awaited event held this year in Chiang Mai, in Thailand, from 26th to 31st October.
They had the opportunity to discuss with all Asian Experts on Intellectual Property and to compare Asian and European Proceedings and litigation regarding Patents, Trademarks and Copyright in order to improve their high quality Trademark and Patent services in Thailand and Europe.
We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the organizing Committee, to which Ms. Chalinee Sriprasart and Ms Saweeya C Benhar were part of, for its great planning and efforts put into making the APAA memorable.
We will sure be at the next APAA which will take place in Hanoi in October 2013 and, in the meantime, shall not fail to maintain our active and fruitful exchanges.