Time stamping


In the field of industrial property, the race for a date is often a challenge.

  • the invention must be absolutely new (and never have been disclosed),
  • the trademark belongs to the person who filed it first,
  • and, in the field of internet domain names? “First come, first served” remains the rule!

But setting a date is not always enough, you must be careful to set the date effectively, managing reverse planning very tightly when there is often an opposition between – disclosure / setting the date.

The ViDON Group has developed a methodology for setting a date, which is integrated into the overall service of protecting concepts and know-how called “TAYA”, designed to deal with the constraints facing businesspeople:

  • by providing an effective method for setting a date,
  • not only in France but also abroad,
  • without disclosing the dated information to third parties.

In keeping with its values, the ViDON Group has, over time, developed an effective, economically suitable protection methodology that is available to you and can be adapted to your needs and projects.

Setting dates for your concepts or know-how, for your inventions or other original ideas, will be done in two phases:

  • A preliminary diagnosis

The first phase consists in taking an inventory of elements that should benefit from a fixed date and which constitute a copyrightable or exploitable intangible asset, in connection with the objectives and stakes for the business or laboratory.
In the end, the ViDON Group’s experts offer to help you in putting these elements together to provide you with effectiveness in setting your date.

  • A methodology for setting a date

Usually, effective actions for setting a date are undertaken in connection with a ministerial officer, ensuring international recognition of the registration date.

The VIDON Group accompanies you in carrying out your formalities and helps you make the right choices.

Disclosure of inventions

One of the conditions of patentability of an invention is novelty. An invention is deprived of novelty if it was accessible to the public before the filing date of the patent application. In some cases, it is better to disclose one’s innovation, for which a protection through a patent is not considered, in order to avoid the risk that a third party takes ownership of these innovations later.
Cabinet Vidon provides this service to its clients.